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Sunday, July 27-- Royce and his daughter Cory united with Compton Heights during Sunday worship, reaffirming their faith. They come from an American Baptist background and have been frequently visiting since moving to South Grand neighborhood last winter. Welcome, Royce and Cory!
Saturday, July 25-- A group from Compton Heights went to the Missouri Historical Society museum in Forest Park to see the exhibit, Mary Lee Bendolph: Gee's Bend Quilts and Beyond, which continues through Sept. 12. The story of Gee's Bend, a community of former slaves in Alabama that was isolated culturally and economically until the era of the New Deal, is educational and inspiring. The women made very utilitarian quilts of discarded denim and other clothing, just to keep their families warm. But as they worked together, they evolved a style that caught the eye of an art historian, and eventually they were "discovered" in the world of art. The exhibit is free on Tuesdays to St. Louis City and County residents. The 45-minute video about the Gee's Bend Quilters is shown during the exhibit and provides a lesson in civil rights in a story not many of us have heard.
June 27&28 -- Compton Heights continues its annual witness to inclusion by having a booth at PrideFest, held on this weekend at Tower Grove Park, a few blocks south of the church. This year we were part of "Spiritual Row" along with the MCC, UCC, Episcopalian, Unitarian, Methodist, and various other O&A congregations. Next to us was our sister Disciple congregation, Liberation Christian Church, which meets in the Delmar Loop of University City.
Norm can tell you that the Saturday afternoon shift from 4-6 p.m. took place on the hottest day yet recorded this year in St. Louis--98 degrees. With lots of cold water, fruit juice, wet neck bands and even a snazzy cooling vest, all of our volunteers survived. The next day, Sunday, was almost 15 degrees cooler after a storm front blew in overnight. Many good contacts were made and many healing conversations were held this year, and a record number of volunteers, many of them our newer members and friends, took part. We ran out of fans and stickers before the festival ended.