Sunday, May 25, 2008

Ready for Gypsy Caravan

Well, we are ready for Gypsy Caravan tomorrow. The donations for our sale kept pouring in and after I tallied all of the price stickers we put on items, we have a total asking price for our items of over $2,300! And to think Mary started it all with 8 quilts! Let's all pray for decent weather (heavy thunderstorms are in the forecast) and for all of our items to sell. Four of us will be there at 6:30 in the morning to be ready for the early bird shoppers. If I have a chance, I'll have pictures and results to post tomorrow night. Happy holidays, everyone.

This morning in worship we had a wonderful time rejoicing as Lana was able to enter her own church for the first time in years, using her wheel chair for ease of access. We had many visitors, including Madeline's family, plus Robbie home from college, and Norma's son and fiancee as well. A great day all around, and finally a way to welcome everyone. Thanks to everyone who has supported this project this far. We have just a little bit farther to go and then we won't need this blog any more!

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